Yang Fangxu Would Also Be There

Yang Xinyu arrived from France the next day and went home straightaway. He was very perturbed about Wu Lina's health and called his father about it.

"Father, Wu Lina is under a lot of tension about the movie that she is producing. In her condition I really don't want her to get in this trouble. Yesterday, she called me and was crying on the phone. It seems Yang Fangxu is up to her nonsense again and this time she is targeting Wu Lina. I will not allow that to happen," said yang Xinyu in breath even before the mayor could say hello to his son.

But when he heard Yang Xinyu, his brow knotted. He said, "Ah Xinyu, if that is case, then even I would want Wu Lina to relax. It is not worth it. You can ask her to stop thinking about the company and relax at home."

"Okay father I will start with the process of dissolving the company."