Her Mother Decides to go to The Press

She picked the phone and said, "Yang Xinyu, I had to meet Yang Fangxu."

"Why?" asked Yang Xinyu very quietly as if trying to control his temper.

"Because I am extremely sure that she had tried to sabotage my movie sets!"

"Do you have any evidence?"

"No, I don't, but-"

"Then why did you visit her?"

"I had to deal with her! She had been really becoming nasty."

"What else has she done?"

"Yang Xinyu, your sister had been flooding the Internet with negative comments about my company. I traced the IP address that she had used to write those comments. If you think I am going to stay quiet, then you are wrong. I have had enough of her nonsense," spat Wu Lina on the phone.

But Yang Xinyu was angry over the fact that she went to meet Yang Fangxu without even giving him a slight warning.

"So you do accept that she had been horrible with you?"

"Of course, I have the evidence. You better deal with her or else I am going to give her the worst taste of her life!"