This is a Serious Matter

Mr. Wan talks about his plan all the way to her ancestral home, which was over hundred kilometers from the airport.

The servants were already instructed about their arrival, so when they reached over there, the dinner was ready and laid out for them.

Yang Chún qiàn was very tired, so she slept early. He picked Yang Chún qiàn's phone that was kept on the table in the living room and copied a number on his. After that, Mr. Wan went outside and walked to a small settlement nearby where the locals were having snacks and drinks in a small place whose ceiling was asbestos. He went and sat amongst them and asked about various things about the place. While he was drinking, he asked one of the customers if he could use his phone. But he replied that the owner of that eating joint owned the only phone that they had in that area. Mr. Wan requested the owner to give him the phone since he had to call urgently. The owner asked for ten Yuan, and allowed him to use it.