The Bloodstains on His Bed

Yang Chún qiàn turned around to look at the person who just spoke. She was aghast to see Yang Xinyu. So what happened to Mr. Wan? What happened to two men who were in his room when she left him all drugged? Whose blood was that? She came near him and saw that he was sitting on the sofa in a spotless white shirt. His arms were stretched on the back of the sofa and he loosely held a gun in his right hand.

"Yang Xinyu, wh… what happened? Why do you have a gun in your hand?" she asked afraid of his intentions now.

"Mother, you tell me, what happened to you? Why are you looking so afraid?" he asked her back keeping his head low.

"I… I am not afraid. Why should I be afraid? I heard some commotion in the middle of the night and came to see," she stuttered.

"You heard a commotion in the middle of the night and you have to come to investigate about it so late?"

"No… Yes… I mean I slept after hearing it, but all became quiet and so I went off to sleep…"