The Celebration (5)

The mayor went after Wu Lina as she went outside to mingle with people in the party. People had started missing the presence of their host and it only seemed appropriate to go and join them.

As they left the room Yang Fangxu was left with her mother. Her mother shouted at her, "See what a mess you have created just because you wanted to be an actress. I was a fool to even think that you could gain stardom. In my opinion, you should ask your father for forgiveness and tell him to at least take care of your debts."

Yang Fangxu was crying hysterically, her black mascara had come out of it place and it smeared her cheeks. Her career seemed to end. She knew that she had little chances of recovering it now, more so because she was already getting old. She thought that Wu Lina had done the right thing by not stepping in the industry, and stayed on the outside to create her own company.

"Mother, I don't know what to do…"