How Much Time Do We Have?

Next day, Wu Lina woke up early and called the interior designer for the nurseries. She had called her at about 11am. Meanwhile she noticed that Yang Xinyu hadn't left for the office and was still sleeping as the blanket covered his face leaving the rest of the body uncovered.

"Xinyu, when are you going to the office?" she asked removing the blanket from his face.

Yang Xinyu stirred for a moment and turned to go back to sleep.

"Xinyu you will get late!" she shook him lightly.

"Lina I am the Chairman of the company. I can afford not to go also. So let me sleep," he said in a sleepy voice.

Wu Lina looked at that brat puffed. She covered him with the blanket properly and left him for the kitchen. She asked Mrs. Jiao to make the breakfast a little late for Yang Xinyu while she had it. Her appetite had become huge and she looked like a fat cow!