The Papers Were Authentic

Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu were stunned. They didn't know what to speak. Wu Lina had had so many apprehensions and questions that she was going to spit venom on the slightest provocation, but the tables turned. She was now speechless. She looked at the documents and again looked at Vladimir baffled.

"Don't be so surprised Wu Lina. I am sorry for what I did to you in Bulgaria. I became so selfish that I jeopardized my daughter and son-in-law's life. I don't think you will ever forgive me for that. But this is the least I could do. I truly want to be with you and my grandchildren. And to be honest I have spread my business in China only to be with them…" Vladimir said becoming very emotional.

Vladimir's confession was so genuine that Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu melted. But the mayor was still weary. He picked up the papers and called his people inside.

"Check the authenticity of these papers," he ordered them. They took the papers and went out.