Ch 22

All the test subjects had woken up. The dark room was now lit.

"Welcome Alpha squad to your new bodies,"

"It will take time to get acclimated, so in the mean time you may rest,"

The other men got off their pods and started to walked to their own rooms. One however stayed and started to speak.

"Its not right,"

Silence permeated the air as everyone froze. A 16 year ild started to give off the vibe of a war veteran as he started to reproach the subject. "We took the lives of innocent children just so we could live a little more,". As the awkwardness of the situation escalated the manager quickly spoke," Bryan, your sister Alyssa will not be happy about your comments, please go back to your quarter,".

I walked stone faced to my designated room and sat down on my bed.


Ok that was a bit louder then expected. I mean no wonder he didn't get mind control. I had anti magic, and Bryan had family ties. Why did he never tell us. There's no way that witch died to some measly explosives, which meant that David had probably lived too. Stupid David. I should've remembered the mercenary motto. Money, Thrill, but most importantly Life.

This also means that the breakout which would happen tomorrow will most likely be caused by Bryan, and I can't meet Bryan yet. When I met him in my last life he was full of conviction. If you looked at him, he felt dependable and skilled. I mean he was the definition of a perfect leader, subordinate and friend. There is also the chance that Bryan also reincarnated and is unstable with two minds battling it out causing that outburst. Also another person could be the reason. Cyborg's curse as it was called. Sometimes a one would turn into a zero, and an error occurs locking the brain into flight or fight mode. Eventually the person would be run by instinct and fight everything that came near. I needed to prepare for any situation. I walked to the library inside of the base and looked around. Eventually I found what I was looking for.

[Would User David like to learn the Engineer Class]

Was that a question?