What to choose?

David went to his workshop and sat in front of a piece of paper wondering.

"Defense," David thought.

{ Reasonable, however remember that an offensive weapon is still needed}

David got to work. He started to build an oversized sniper rifle. It had a huge profile, with a shield in front protecting the sniper. The bullets it fired were also custom made by David. Explosive rounds, anti-tank rounds, and all purpose rounds were mass produced by David. He spent nearly half of the money made during his two years on just the ammo. His backpack was custom made to carry all the weight, and the sniper was dismantled for use on the battle field. David went to the mustering area to check in. He saw men being checked off and loaded onto a train. David got in line and waited for his turn as he noticed the type of men being sent. These were the elite, and they too were wondering why a young kid like him was joining, but kept to their own business, to keep their professionalism.

"Name please" the person with a digital list asked.

"David Lee," David replied.

The man looked confused as he looked at David's profile.

Name: David Lee

Information: Classified

No age, gender, nothing. The man warily let David onto the train as they were shuttled to the front line.

"Dragon scan everyone on board"

{ 587 people, zero 1st grades. All normal soldiers}

The train started to go through one of the natural borders that separated the 11 states. It was filled with dangerous monsters, so men were posted along the top of the train. As they got closer to the core of the mountain, disaster struck.

"All soldiers report to the observation deck, I repeat all soldiers report to the observation deck,"

The speakers blared as the train started to rumble. The train didn't need tracks, as it hovered above the ground gliding through the meadow. However there were a pack of dinosaurs headed for the train.

"RAPTORS ETA 2 MINUTES,"the scouts reported. David started to assemble his rifle in record time, using his engineer class's hidden buffs. Soon an oversized anti-material rifle appeared in his hand. David used his Elms to create a magnet between the metal in his shoes and the metal train. With his base secured, he handled the sniper like a BB gun and aimed standing. The pack was closing in. The train's machine guns were firing with minimal damage. The Raptor's hides deflected almost all the bullets. Soldiers fired RPGs, slowing down the Raptors. As they came closer David got a full view of them.

{100 meters, closing within 1 minutes 5 seconds. Wind 12 KPH south. Number of Raptors 34. Train velocity 102 KPH}

David breathed in, and focused. He pumped a bit of his Elms into the Time Crystal. Time slowed as he lined up his sniper rifle with the front most raptor.


5 shots, 5 dead.

"Bullet time success, reloading," David muttered as he reloaded his oversized gun.

Five bloody headless bodies could be seen. The bodies were trampled by their fellow pack as they drew closer.

David finished reloading but waited a bit longer to completely cool down his gun. The veterans nodded approvingly at his display as the snipers in their squads shot. Not as accurately as David, but soon only 12 of the original 34 were left. However no the distance was in their favor. David had finished cooling his gun, and locked his feet magnetically to the train again.


One by one, heads were popped. However now it was too late to do more. The Raptors quickly got alongside the train. David quickly disassembled his gun and went as close to the head of the train as he could. The Raptors raised their claws and slashed at the train causing men to fall out, and the train to slow down a bit. Men were rushing towards the head of the train as they were blocked by their own comrades. David ran off the side as he used his magnets to wall run to the head.

In the driver's compartment, the Captain yelled out an order.

"Disengage the last two train carts as bait,". Men screamed as they were abandoned. The train sped up and rushed away. The remaining Raptors dressed their wounds and decided on the easier prize, instead of chasing. As the train glided away shots could be heard, silenced by loud crunches. David sat down in a random seat, and thought to himself,"What a waste of bullets,"

{Dragon calculated that if the heard had not sustained at least a 80 percent casualty rate, they would've kept chasing for greater rewards}

"So not completely a waste, but how many people are left now?,"

{ Scan indicates that there are 426 men out of the 587 men alive.}

"And we're barely a day in to a thee day trip," David finished as he put in shells the size of his hand into a cartridge.