Meaning Of The Transcended

When everyone had finally gathered themselves, Old Man Zhen ordered the servants to clean up the mess. The guards and workers stared at the mess left by the battle with disbelief. However, no one dared to ask a question, so they started to clean the room right away.

The event continued in another courtyard. In the middle of the courtyard was a table filled with food. Chen Fan sat down at the head of the table. Although most people around him were wealthier and more influential than Chen Fan, everyone thought that was a rightful place for Chen Fan.

After everyone had settled down in their seat, Chen Fan asked Han Yun: "Do I know you?"

He was very surprised when the girl told everyone about his past. The way she looked at him also suggested that it was not the first time the two had met. After Chen Fan had defeated Master Wu, she was also the first person to have spoken to him.