Over Sea Hong Sect

"Brother Xi, why are you…" Brother Dong's face turned black. Brother Xi was an influential assistant serving under The Third Lord of Wei.

"Mr. Chen is The Third Lord's guest. Why? Have you offended Mr. Chen?" Brother Xi asked with a big frown.

Brother Dong lowered his head and murmured, "Er…"

Compared to The Third Lord of Wei; Brother Dong was so low on the totem pole that The Third Lord of Wei wouldn't even grace him with an audience. If Chen Fan really was The Third Lord's guest, Brother Dong was in big trouble.

"I am sorry Mr. Chen. I am so ignorant that I didn't even recognize Mountain Tai."

"Remember, if I hear anything unpleasant happening in the Coco bar, I will come to find you." Chen Fan said thinly.

"Yes, yes. I got it!" Brother Dong felt icy sweat slid down on his back as he cursed his luck in his mind.

However, at this point in time, he scarcely dared to breathe much less protest against Chen Fan.