Xu Rongfei's Birthday Party

When the national holiday was over, and Chen Fan was back to school, he found that other than Jiang Tanqiu's insistent questions about what had happened at the bar on that night, nothing else had changed at school. His classmates no longer looked down on him and neither did they admire him.

Si Yinxia was still studying like there was no tomorrow. Teachers were very impressed by his newfound enthusiasm, and they were convinced that if Si Yinxia kept at it, he could potentially be admitted into the best university in China.

One day, Xu Rongfei came over to look for Chen Fan. Chen Fan went out of the classroom to meet her as a swell of murmurs rose around him.

"It's my birthday next week. Can you make it?" Xu Rongfei asked as she batted her lashes at Chen Fan.

"Of course!" Chen Fan cracked a smile. "You are my sister, remember?"

He said, indulging the girl with his attention.