An Encounter In The Village

"Mr. Xu. "Chen Fan nodded and didn't answer his question.

Xu Ao's face hardened as he was not pleased by Chen Fan, ignoring his question. However, he didn't want to press the boy for an answer in public. He simply told Chen Fan, "Come find me at the Qin Yang Hotel tonight."

He then walked past Chen Fan without a word.

Chen Fan and A'Xiu stepped aside to make way for the large crowd. He felt many watchful eyes staring at him, some of those belonging to powerful Internal Force users. However, Chen Fan was not concerned at all.

A brawny bald man was walking side by side with Xu Ao, and he asked, "Lord Xu, who is that kid?"

"A distant nephew. I have no clue what is he doing here." Xu Ao said with a dark face.

"Hehe, the tournament is very popular among the kids nowadays." The skinhead smiled and said. "That little girl beside your nephew looked so damn hot. If she were not with your nephew, I would have already made a move on her."