Lin Hu Arrived

Master Guo's lack of initiative had eventually become his downfall.

Although Master Guo had lasted as long as he could, hoping that his opponent would slip up and give him an opportunity to fight back, he had underestimated Song Tao's ability. The Eight-Armed Arhat had poured attacks on him, in a blink, he had unleashed thirteen punches, six kicks, five elbows strikes, and seven knee strikes. The fourteenth punch had finally hit home and destroyed Guo Wei's defense. The lightning-fast fist landed solidly on Guo Wei's chests.


A gush of blood spilled out form Guo Wei's mouth, and the punch sent him stumbling back until he fell off the stage.


Master Guo collapsed to the ground beneath the stage.

By then, the audience had finally noticed that there was a depression at the center of Guo Wei's chest. His shirt was in tatters around a fist-sized area on his chest.

The gruesome sight sent a chill down everyone's spines.