Mighty Mr. Shi

The Yin Dragon Pond was inside a valley surrounded by mountain peaks. Only a small section of the valley was visible from the outside.

Once Chen Fan entered the valley, he saw two groups of people fighting against each other beside a pond.

On one side of the pond was Zheng Anqi and her bodyguards and the other group was lead by an old man. As soon as the old man saw Master Wu, he shouted out: "Asshole Wu! How dare you lead these outsiders to our sacred land?"

Everyone looked toward Master Wu; Zheng Anqi's glare was laced with displeasure. Embarrassed, Master Wu's face flushed red and explained: "Master Chen, they are my sect brothers.

"The tall one is called Mu Hongshen, and the short fat one is called Yan Zhengze. I didn't expect to see them here at all."