A Real Master?

"Who are you, who gave you permission to enter?" Those who didn't know Chen Fan flung back at him hotly.

Even those who had heard Sir Jiang Junior's introduction of Chen Fan were not pleased by his brazen interruption.

Seeing Jiang Jialiang's cold glare, Brother Cai cursed Chen Fan in his mind.

"I allowed you to tag along for the sake of Sir Jiang Junior. Why do you have to make a fool of yourself and drag me along with it?

"Can't you see who is present? Not only all the rich magnates of the city are here, but the professors and researchers from the university were also there. What would they think about a sixteen-year-old commenting in their opinion?"

Sir Jiang Junior watched as his father furrowed his brows.

"Mr. Chen, What do you mean?"

Brother Cai squeezed his face at Chen Fan, willing him to be quiet. However, Chen Fan didn't even spare him a glance.

"I meant what I say. I said that Master Huang's explanation was bullshit."