Fear Me!

After talking to Ziqi, they realized that they had both been hoodwinked by the landlord.

Auntie Tang thought that the house was rented as one unit; however, when Chen Fan was away, the landlord had subleased a room in the house to the girl.

The Lakeside Community was a mid range development in Chu Zhou City. It was fully furnished and therefore was highly sought after by renters.

To rent the entire house would cost over two thousand yuan; however, renting a single room would be much more affordable. So affordable that even Ziqi had risen to the bait.

"Where is the landlord?" Chen Fan asked.

"She had immigrated to the US. Her son is a permanent residence in the US. She is back only once or twice a year to collect rent," Ziqi said as she looked at Chen Fan cautiously.

Although it had been three months since the last time she saw him, Ziqi didn't forget who Chen Fan was.