Tang Yuanqin of The Hu Dong Province

"Grab a seat."

Hearing Chen Fan's order, Third Lord, Zhou Tianhao and Master Guo all found a chair and sat down. The rest of the group had to stand behind them.

"Master Chen, we have spread the news of your return to all the tycoons in the city. Everyone is excited to see you." Third Lord said respectfully and rightfully so since the teenage boy in front of him was no longer a caster of average power, but the number one cultivator of the Jiang Bei region—Master Chen.

Nearly all the magnates in the Jiang Bei region were pinned under his thumb, and some even considered Maser Chen the equal of Tang Yuanqin in the Hu Dong Province.

"Sure, I can meet them."

Chen Fan said lightly.

"As long as we are under your protection, we will no longer fear that asshole Tang Yuanqin." Zhou Tianhao slapped his fat thigh excitedly.

"Tang Yuanqin?"

Chen Fan half opened his eyes as he asked curiously.