Master Chen?

The fleet didn't enter the city center; instead, it went straight toward the Thousand Water Lake Resort.

The Thousand Water Lake was a freshwater lake of exceptional water quality. It was well known for the Black Emerald Shrimp it produces. Fearing that any industrial development would populate the water, the government had banned any factory to be built around the vicinity of the lake.

Because of its pristine natural condition, many tourists flocked to the lake.

As soon as everyone was out of the parking lot, they saw a man waiting for them by the entrance.

"Brother Liu, you didn't have to come personally." The young man hurried to Liu Ten at the entrance and greeted him with an unctuous smile.

"These are your friends, aren't they. I would let anyone down but you, Zhao Shen."

The man was Liu Teng.

Like uncle, like nephew; he also shaved all his hair and looked just like a younger version of his uncle.