Start of The Banquet

On the day of the banquet, Chu Zhou City was filled with clamors and actions that it had never seen before.

Here one could not just find businessmen and women from Clear Water, Tin He, Jiang Zhou City, and Hai Zhou, but also magnates from Jiang Zhou City and Dong Jiang City. The scale and sheer size of the banquet exceeded Chen Fan's imagination.

When he arrived at the entrance, he found that the parking lot of the Tian Sheng Hotel was packed with luxurious cars.

There were Mercedes S, Audi A8, BMW 7, Lexus LS and even Porsche 911.

Even the cheapest vehicles were worth over a million. Judging by the license plates, a significant number of the guests were from outside of the province. There were a dozen Rolls-Royce Phantoms with extremely rare license plate numbers that were usually reserved for the most powerful of the city.

"Holy shit! What is going on today?" People outside of the hotel exclaimed.