Every Dog Has Its Day

"What?" Wei Zipin was taken aback for a second. Thinking that he was being fooled, his face was contorted by anger as plunged his fist into Chen Fan.

Suddenly, a wave of commotion came up from the entrance.

"The tycoons are coming?"

"That's The Third Lord Wei, that's Xu Ao, Liu Guodong. Where is Master Chen? Which one is Master Chen?"

"I don't see Master Chen. Did he miss this event?"

The arrival of the Jiang Bei's Magnates stole everyone's attention immediately. Compared to the fight among the few teenagers, the magnate's agenda was the real show of the night.

Wei Zipin stopped his attack, took a deep breath and gave Chen Fan a deadly glare.

"Asshole, it's not over yet. I will settle the score with you later!"

After he gave his threat, he walked away from Chen Fan.

Chu Minhui furrowed his brows and caught up with Wei Zipin. Wan Jun smirked at Chu Minhui and said lightheartedly, "You are ballsy to piss off Wei Zipin."