I Don't Believe You!

After Wei Zipin was carried out of the room by the paramedics, the group of tycoons sat down to continue the meeting.

"Master Chen, your Spirit Water is incredible. I have sent it to the lab for some testing, and they told me that the mineral content and water quality were no different than that of normal water, yet it has miraculous healing effects." Baldy Liu slapped his thigh and exclaimed.

Chen Fan cracked a faint smile.

Spirit Qi was not something that a machine in the lab was able to detect.

"Master Chen, how much of that Spirit Water can you produce a day?" Xu Ao asked thoughtfully.

For most of the magnates of Jiang Bei region, the biggest draw of the event was not only to see Master Chen but also the billion-yuan industry he had created. The Spirit Water could rake in over ten billion yuan a year in pure profit—a number that would entice even the richest man on earth.