Back To Home

In recent years, more and more people were returning back to Chen Fan's home county from the city.

Chen Fan politely refused a few magnates' invitations of giving him a ride home as he preferred the quietness and secluded time on a bus.

"Six months ago, I was reborn on the bus operated by Golden Dragon Travel Group. However, I was traveling in the opposite direction." Chen Fan lamented.

When he first woke up on the bus, he was nothing but a normal student. Six months later, he had already become a household name in the Jiang Bei region.

"I wonder if my mother and Sister An had returned home or not. I hope father is still doing all right. What about my childhood friends? I wonder if they have changed at all?"

Chen Fan thought to himself.

As the winding country road took him closer toward home, he felt slightly scared.

He would be lying to say that he didn't feel guilty for ignoring his parents in the six months.