Squash You Like A Worm

"Xiao Fan!" Yu Wenjin's face darkened, and she urged Chen Fan to stop.

However, her last ditch effort to stop the boy came too late. Bai Wuji narrowed his eyes and regarded Chen Fan displeased.

"Who are you?"

Most people would have been frightened by the sight of his fire throwing abilities. However, this young boy didn't flinch at all. Instead, he bravely and foolishly stood up for Yu Wenjin. Bai Wuji couldn't find any explanation for the boy's behavior other than that he was driven by the valor of ignorance.

"Kiddo, it's neither the time nor the place to play the hero."

Bai Wuji sneered at Chen Fan.

"Me?" Chen Fan asked. Under Yu Wenjin's concerned gaze, Chen Fan took a step forward and said, "My name is Chen Fan. My father is one of the richest men in Si Shui County. Yu Wenjin is my classmate as well as my best friend. You are on my turf, and you want me to stay out of it?"

"Your father is the richest man in Si Shui County?"