Sister An

Chen Fan stood near the entrance of the house and waited quietly.

Half an hour… one hour… two hours… Finally, a black VW appeared at the end of the road and was closing in.

The VW pulled over near Chen Fan, and two women emerged from it. One was an attractive middle-aged woman, and the other was a coy looking girl in her early twenties.

The middle-aged woman wore only very light makeup and a custom-tailored black business dress. On her face, she wore black-rimmed glasses, eyes glinting, and chin up. She gave off the energy of a strong and capable businesswoman.

The moment she saw Chen Fan, her eyes grew soft and a pleased and surprised expression emerged on her face.

"Xiao Fan, why are you waiting here?"

She was Chen Fan's mother, the CEO of Jin Xiu Group. Her name was Wang Xiaoyun, the future Queen of Jin Xiu.

"Mom." Chen Fan's voice was trembling and was laced with anticipation and fear.