Young Lord Wei

A surprised silence fell throughout the entire stable.

Chen Fan had pulled the rug from under everyone and won the match in the most unexpected way.

"Is he a horse whisperer?"

"He is a real badass, and he had been hiding his strength all the while."

"I think this young fellow is a much better equestrian coach than the ones at the Zi Yun Club."

Hearing everyone's words, Paul felt embarrassed, and his face felt hot. He had forecasted Chen Fan's defeat as a professional, yet, Chen Fan proved him wrong right away. Suddenly, he felt that he was surrounded by jeering remarks toward him.

"But how did Chen Fan do that? However skillful a coach was, no one can stop a horse cold in his tracks."

Paul wondered.

"Interesting." Chen An unfurrowed his knotted brows. "Looks like my little cousin is not an average person after all."

"Hump! He is just lucky!" Chen Ning said bitterly.