One After Another

The guest was Boss Yan, who Chen Fan had encountered when he first met Third Lord Wei and Master Wu. Ever since Boss Yan witnessed the power of Chen Fan's lightning wielding ability, he was utterly enthralled by Chen Fan's power. He had helped Chen Fan a great deal by offering numerous precious materials while the latter constructed the Misty Mountain Array.

Boss Yan was called Yan Shigao. He often called himself Xiao Yan or Fatty Yan and refused to be called Boss Yan while he was in front of Chen Fan.

"Yes, it is me. Master… Mr. Chen." Boss Yan smiled unctuously turning his eyes into two slits.

"Why are you here?" Chen Fan asked curiously.

He was not surprised that Fatty Yan could have traced his footsteps to his family estate. The Chens were a reputable family in the Jin City, and therefore, as soon as he revealed his identity, anyone could have deduced that he was from the Chen family of the Jin City.