Chen Family's Future

"Former Chairman, I envy you. You have such a loving family, so many friends and outstanding off-spring such as Zenxin and Chen An. My life can't compare. "

Qin Hua stood in the middle of the courtyard while surrounded by guests and hosts alike. He moved his wine cup in the air as he said vehemently.

"You think too highly of me. My son Zhexin requires much of your guidance; his future is in your hands."

Chen Huaian said. Despite his words, a proud smile broke over his face.

Despite the calm facade that Great Uncle and his son tried to put on, Great Aunt was already on the brink of jumping up and down and shouting out in excitement.

Having received approval from Qin Hua, no one would dare to think lightly of her husband and son. Just look at people's expressions around her! Second Aunt's eyes were filled to the brim with envy which further boosted Great Aunt's self-esteem.