Street Lights of Jin City

During the festival moment of the new year holiday, along the bank of the mighty Yangtze River…

The Jin City was hosting a lantern festival, so countless lanterns lit up both sides of the river. People weaved in and out of the gleaming lights, enjoying the lively and colorful view.

A group of teenagers traveled together along the causeway that hugged the shore. They sampled BBQ skewers and dried fish and then went on to bargain with peddlers of colorful chintzy bracelets and earrings.

Among the teenagers was a young girl of exceptional beauty and elegance. She attracted many passersby's attention in the streets.

Accompanying her was a handsome young man wearing a bespoke suit that made a gentleman out of a seventeen-year-old boy. His generous and confident demeanor made it obvious that he was from a powerful family. A group of teenagers surrounded him at the center.

"Xiao Qiong, look! There is a magic show, let's go look."