Martial Arts Conference

The Cang Dragon endured the most gruesome training of their life for the next month.

Cang Dragon Physical Conditioning Exercise was a completely different ball game compared to the conventional physical condition exercises. This was a brand new technique that Chen Fan created based on two elements: the External Force Exercises and the Immortal Cultivation techniques.

On the training ground, the soldiers stood in strange if not outright bizarre stances. Some balanced on one foot like a crane in a swamp, some wrapped their arms around their body as a monkey would to a tree trunk, the others were sitting quietly on the ground cross-legged as if they were practicing Yoga.

However, regardless of their posture, a pained look was etched on everyone's face. They felt as if every inch of their body was on fire as energy gathered inside of their system.

"I have never seen anything like this." Sergeant Gu grumbled.