Elixr Fair

"What are you doing here?" Miao Xiaoqian asked with surprise.

"I am here to attend the conference." Chen Fan cracked a smile.

"Conference? You must have happened to stumble upon the poster, didn't you?" Lu Yanxue rolled her eyes. However, she turned to the two men at the entrance and said, "Please, he is my friend, can you let him in?"

"I am sorry, Miss. This is a private gathering." The man in traditional Chinese suit said somberly.

"My father is Lu Shixun, I am a member of the Lu family." Lu Shixun plastered on a sweet smile.

"Lu Shixun?" The two men paused a second. One of them muttered to the other: "He is from the Third Great Lord." The other nodded and said, "Well, of course, you can go in. But not him."

"Why?" Miao Xiaoqian kitted her brows.

However, she had exhausted all her ruses, and so she was not sure what else to do to help Chen Fan.