Seven Malice Poison Array

"Grand Master Chen Beixuan, why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

A shadowy grey figure strolled down to the ground from the sky. Every step he took covered at least half a dozen meters. He covered the few hundred-meter long distance in a snap of a finger. When the figure was close, everyone finally saw that he was an old man in a dark green Daoist robe

Despite the white hair that covered his head, his face was glowing with life. His skin was as smooth as a baby's that underscored his otherworldliness: a quality of a Celestial Immortal.

"Sect Master." Members of the Medicine God Valley Sect cried at their Sect Master.

The man was the Sect Master of the Medicine God Valley Sect, the King of Elixirs. He was a Perfected cultivator.