Zheng Anqi

Zheng Anpin had never been so afraid before.

He was the heir of the Zheng family and a direct descendant of Zheng Zhongming. His father was the CEO of a publicly-traded jewelry company. he and his family owned this city, and even someone as influential as Yuan Hen had to respect him.

However, there and then, he was just a nobody before the young man.

His name was Chen Fan!

That was about all that Zheng Anpin knew about him. He had no idea where he came from and what his family background was. He just appeared out of nowhere on the 21st floor of a high rise building and killed a spellcaster Yuan Hen with one strike. Yuan Hen had called him a Transcendent Grandmaster before he died.

Although he didn't know what a Transcendent Grandmaster was, he could tell from the terror on Yuan Hen's face that it was something extremely powerful. The sight of Yuan Hen being reduced to ashes exacerbated his fear.