You Will Die For Insulting Me

A pin-drop silence fell into the room after Nie Yuanhu shouted out "Mr. Chen."

People were confused as to who he was calling out to. Even Nie Shunchen was taken aback as he scraped his mind to think which superstar or super-rich he had invited tonight who had a last name of Chen.

He watched as Nie Yuanhu came over to Chen Fan and extended both hands to the young man.

"Mr. Chen. I had never thought that you would come to our banquet. I have never been more honored before."

Chen Fan didn't even spare Nie Yuanhu a glance much less shake hands with him, leaving Nie Yuanhu's hands hanging. Nie Yuanhu was surprised by the cold shoulder and looked at Master Qiu in embarrassment. Qiu Yulin picked up the cue and stepped forward and bowed to Chen Fan.

"Perfected Cultivator Chen, this is the owner of the Hua Yi Entertainment, Mr. Nie. He admired you and wanted to meet you for a while."