One-Eyed Naga King

"This is… Impossible!"

Loong Jun lowered his head, trying to hide the shock and disbelief in his eyes.

He knew Zheng Anqi well and had thought of making a move on this princess of the Zheng family and international supermodel. However, based on the paparazzi news he had read, Zheng Anqi should look like an ugly crone. The picture of her wizened face had been published all over Hong Kong's news outlets.

However, there and then, the Zheng Anqi standing before Loong Jun was even more attractive than she had been before the downfall of her family. Her porcelain skin scintillated under the bright light.

"Mr. Chen just signed a contract with me and named me his assistant. When he is gone, I will be sitting in his place as the Board Director. He put forward the motion of electing me as the new CEO of the Zheng's Financial Group, anyone have a different opinion?"