Green Dragon Array

After Lee Hyun-bin left, Fang Qiong paused a second and then said, "Yaoyao, I think you should stay away from Lee Hyun-bin. He feels… dangerous."

Chen Fan gave Fang Qiong an approving look. From the beginning to the end, Lee Hyun-bin had been acting like a true gentleman, however, Fang Qiong was able to see through his mask of culture and benevolence and registered that hint of elusive animosity. It appeared that the Jade Marrow Dharma Artifact had taken effect on her and made her more aware of other's intentions. That way, she would no longer be so easily fooled.

"Take it easy, I know he is just playing games with me. I won't let him take advantage of me." Zhong Yaoyao waved a hand and said impatiently. Even as she said so, she gave Chen Fan a surreptitious glance.

"Ok, you take care of yourself then." Fang Qiong lamented.