Extraordinary One's Awakening

"Grandmaster Chen."

When Chen Fan came to Yu Qin, she was accompanied by another elderly man. This old man looked at be in his eighties, but his eyes were sharp and glittered with wisdom. He wore a spiffy uniform with two stars on his shoulder badge.

"This is the Director of the Biology Research Institution, Mr. Ding Shanxue. A research fellow of the national research council."

"You don't seem to be surprised by my visit." Chen Fan remarked.

"Grandmaster Chen dismissed the lab and other recent measures meant that you are about ready to negotiate with us." Yu Qin said matter-of-fact-ly

She was wearing a tight-fitted uniform and a beret that brought out her exceptional curves. She batted her eyes as she locked her gaze on Chen Fan.

"That's right, the Vitality Serum has been under development for a while. It is time for it to be introduced to the public now."