Yukishiro Sa

After Yukishiro Sa left the Green Vines, she got into the backseat of a Toyota Land Rover. Her face was cold as ice and eyes glinting. Kawakami Gensai felt embarrassed by what had happened. He thought his fame and power would be enough to scare the little Chinese girl, but he ended up shooting himself in the foot.

"Kawakami san, do you really believe that woman's words?" Yukishiro Sa asked slowly.

"I think they are all bluffs." Kawakami Gensai hugged his wakizashi in his chest and said with furrowed brows.

"Grandmaster Chen Beixuan is the most powerful Grandmaster in China, and even my teacher revered his power and skills. Why would someone so powerful go to a college in Jin City? Can you believe it? A Kendo Grandmaster carrying a backpack to university?"