Stultified Red Sparrow

England, London, at five o'clock in the morning.

Inside an old apartment, a white man wearing a pair of glasses with a sleepy face walked over to a computer holding a cup of coffee.

He went by Raphael, which, of course, was not his real name. As a member of a large underground organization, Raphael was in charge of collecting and analyzing intelligence all over the world. The group he worked for was called Crimson Wings, and it was a mercenary group particularly renowned in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

However, what made his mercenary band so special was not their martial skills; instead, they operated behind the scenes as master spies and dealt with Overlords in the Dark World very often.

Most of Raphael's time was spent on collecting information on the illicit groups, or families in the Dark World.

"Another CIA Dark Roll Update."

Raphael took a sip of coffee to get a pick-me-up.