Fang Mingde's confusion.

Su Susu stared at the wedding certificate stupidly. It's red color, and the golden national emblem stared back at her mockingly. Under the national emblem was the words: "Marriage Certificate."

She opened up the cover and saw the photo of Fang Qiong and Chen Fan.

This was their first official date, so both of them were dressed up for the occasion. Fang Qiong was wearing a slim peacoat and was wearing light makeup while Chen Fan was in a sports coat. In the picture, neither of them looked like nineteen-year-olds.

Su Susu fixed her gaze on Chen Fan's face, and his smirk riled her up. She dug her nails deeper into the sofa. One piece of her nail fell off from her finger but she didn't notice it at all.

"From now on, Chen Fan is my husband, your son in law. What you think does not matter, it is already done"

Fang Qiong's words shocked her, making her feel like her world was swirling around her.