Crush The Haters

"I hope you can laugh after I break your limbs."

Chen Fan's hands moved with lightning speed and caught Nin Yuze's left arm in his iron grasp. Then he twisted without using much force.


Nin Yuze's arm snapped as it let out a loud loud bone-crunching noise. The arm bent with an eerie angle, looking like the forearm of a praying mantis.


Everyone was shocked by the development as they stared at Nin Yuze's injured arm with disbelief.

Chen Fan had finally got fed up with him and attacked.

Su Ze, Su Qian and Su Peng were shaken to the core while Ji Luochen dropped the wine cup in his hand out of sheer surprise. Many young heirs from Wu Zhou jumped out of their seats after reality set in. He had attacked Nin Yuze, one of the most powerful young heirs of Zhong Hai. Most ordinary people would be doomed if they even so much as harmed a hair on his body, much less breaking his arm.