Gathering of Demon Gods

The people on the train were startled by the strange voice in their heads. The crowd became struck with fear and surprise.

"What was that noise?"

"Yea, I heard it as well. It sounded as if it was in my head."

"It was calling out for Chen Beixuan. Who is Chen Beixuan? Do we have a Chen Beixuan among us?"

People murmured to each other perplexedly. They wondered why the voice seemed right in their heads but everyone on the train seemed to have heard it.

Soon, someone's panicked scream shot throughout the train.

They noticed the light outside the windows dimmed as if the night had suddenly dawned upon them. Why did the sky suddenly become so dark while it was still noon?

"Shit! Is it some kind of supernatural phenomenon?"

"Are we on The Midnight Meat Train?"

"Mom, I want my mom."