Kill The Demon Gods

"This is… Impossible!"

Violet gaped at Chen Fan in disbelief. Karasutengu was a Demon God, a very powerful and ancient one while at it. So powerful was Chen Fan that he could not only fight back while being besieged from all fronts but also land a killing blow on Karasutengu.

Worse yet, Chen Fan had killed his opponent with such ease that he didn't even have to use the Hypersonic punch, and neither did he use the otherworldly art of Moon and Sun. Chen Fan had used only his soul energy.

Demon Gods were all Divine Souls, as a result, they might not measure up to the Immortal State cultivators in terms of divine powers and Martial arts abilities. However, they possessed unmatched soul energy The fact that Chen Fan was able to kill one with his soul energy meant that Chen Fan's level of attainment in soul energy cultivation was much more advanced than a hundred year old Divine Soul.