One Vs. Four Thousand.

"Fire, fire! Don't let him get near!"

Seeing Chen Fan descending upon the Japan Self-Defense Forces, many army officers panicked and shouted. Many of these men were seasoned soldiers and they had already realized that once Chen Fan breached their defense, he would rip their firing line into shreds.

Chen Fan's charge was very similar to a cavalry charge, it was meant to break their formation and render their weapons ineffective.

The same tactics also applied to modern warfare. As soon as Chen Fan get close enough with the army, the bombers would hesitate to drop bombs on him, fearing injuring any Japanese soldiers. Neither could the tanks nor the field cannons fire at Chen Fan without careful aiming to avoid friendly fire.

A message was sent through the radio to all the Japanese soldiers.

Suddenly, hundreds of soldiers at the front line fired their rifles without even aiming.