The Battle That Made a God

The battle between Chen Fan and the Japan Self-Defense Forces just closed its curtain and the implication of this momentous battle had just started to ripple out, affecting more and more people.

Even though the leaders of Japan and the Japan Self-Defense Forces wanted to conceal their defeat, this battle was too big to go unnoticed. It was particularly easy for the Americans to get their hands on the information since they were, in reality, the puppet masters that had a string attached to every aspect of Japanese politics.

After learning the truth, most leaders had kept their silence.

Chen Fan had displayed unimaginable power during this battle. Rifles and machines guns were ineffectual against him, and neither the tanks nor the missiles could land a direct hit on him. He had shot down the helicopters as if they were practice-targets. Worse, he had intercepted three hypersonic missiles, grounded three F-15s, and fourteen AH-1 Cobras.