Power of One Punch

Qi Dongsheng had never thought that he would be caught by his nemesis even on the cruise.

He had been cautious and even avoided taking planes for this trip to Japan fearing any public records on his passport. Therefore, he had chosen to take the cruise. The tourism company operated the cruise offered a much more streamlined process that didn't require stringent record keeping at the border. However, Din Duhai somehow was still able to catch a whiff of him and came after him. Worse, Yang Qinhu had accompanied him as well.

"We must have a mole inside of Dong Sheng."

Qi Dongsheng cursed in his mind.

Without a source inside of his company, Din Duhai would never discover his itinerary. The mole must be hidden very deep among the high-level management of the Dong Sheng Group. Qi Dongsheng had kept his trip a secret to most people in the company, including his son.