I Am An Immortal Cultivator

"Ok? So what are the differences?"

Wang Xiaoyun asked anxiously before Chen Fan's words had faded.

Chen Fan's words had also caught Chen Huaian and Chen Gexin's attention. They locked their eyes on Chen Fan expectantly.

They knew what Chen Fan was going to say was a secret that no one knew. Chen Huaian even felt a sense of danger in the truth that was going to be revealed.

Chen Fan paused a second and without saying a word, he spread out his Divine Will and scanned the surroundings. After confirming that no one was eavesdropping, he started an art and covered the entire office under a dome made out of light. Then and only then, he spoke: "I have made sure the room was not rigged. I have also cast a Sound Isolation Seal so that no one would hear our conversation."

Seeing the earnestness on Chen Fan's taut face, Wang Xiaoyun and An Ya registered the weight of what Chen Fan was going to reveal.