Winter Is Coming

Russia, Northern Siberia, Icewolf Valley…

Even the incessant northern wind had stopped in the valley, and the only sound could be heard was the gurgling Spirit Spring. No one dared to even breathe heavily.

Many Dark Overlords stood still with pale faces and shaky legs.

Zeus was dead, The Fool and the Adam were gravely injured.

In a blink, the tables inside the valley had changed. Just ten minutes ago, twenty or so western Overlords had faith in their victory. Lahore, the Demon Elephant, Karl the Crimson Wings, Dark Titan, Damon the War Elephant… anyone of them was a mighty figure in their own rights

They also had the support of Three Lords of the Underground World, Adam, The Fool, and Zeus the Thunder Lord.

When Chen Fan created that line on the ground and announced that whoever crosses the line would be dead, they all thought Chen Fan was joking.