Russia Bows To Me

"Russia conceded defeat?"

The announcement caught Chen Fan's attention so he paused the movement of the giant palm and looked at the door in surprise.

He saw a black-haired man dressed in a uniform for the Intelligence Department. The man was out of breath and half leaned against the door frame. If Adam were here, he would have recognized the face of this man. He was the one standing right beside Andrew during the raid on the Warg Valley.

Oleg cursed at the young man: "Fool!"

"I can keep fighting, so can the Blood Wolf Guards! Russia still has millions of capable soldiers, why do we need to capitulate to him?"

The unflappable white-haired veteran's face was contorted by anger. If he still had enough strength, he would strangle the young man with his bare hands.

"Ivan, tell me, who gave the order? Is it the president? Or the minister?"

The young man lowered his head and said, "Teacher, this is the unanimous decision of the senate…"