Chen Family Is In Danger

"Chen Fan is back, does that mean the Chen family is also going to make a comeback?"

The old man stood there in silence and watched as Chen Fan sauntered toward his grandpa's house. He was an old colleague of Chen Huaian and people usually called him Old Bone Sun

Old Bone Sun and Chen Huaian retired the same year and they were chess buddies. He had heard Chen Huaian bragging about his grandson all the time, so he was more shocked about Chen Fan's sudden appearance than most other people.

Almost a year ago, he heard the news of Chen Fan's death in passing. Although he couldn't even remember where he had heard the news, he recalled that Chen Fan was supposed to be killed by the Russians with missiles.

"Holy shit! Why would the kid mess with the Russians? They used to be the United States of America's rival. What was he thinking?"

Old Bone Sun had lamented when he first heard the news.